List of projects
where the employees of «Geoconsult LTD» participated
Bishkek-Osh highway rehabilitation project, section 80-160. 1999-2001. Construction works quality control, topogeodetic works. Samsung Corporation. Name: SAMSUNG ENGINEERING |
Reconstruction project of motorway in Bishkek city. 2002-2005. Design, qualitycontrol. Chinese corporation of highway and bridge construction. Name: CHINA ROAD AND BRIDGE CORPORATION |
Geodeticsurvey. Naryn, construction of international university. 2004 Name: RAM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES LTD |
Geodetic survey under construction of international university. Khogor city. Tajikistan. 2005 Name: RAM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES LTD |
Geodeticsurvey. Shymkent-Tashkent highway rehabilitation.
Geodeticsurvey. «Europolis» development , Kazakhstan. 2005. Name: EUROPOLIS |
Bishkek-Osh highway rehabilitation project, section 498-508, 574-613. 2000-2001. Construction works quality control. Name: Dar Al Handasa Consultants |
Project survey works. Osh-Sarytash-Irkeshtam highway. 2005-2006. Name: CHINA ROAD AND BRIDGE CORPORATION |
Surveying. Reconstruction project of Bishkek-Almaty highway. Name: Aerodromstroy |
BankconsolidationprojectofIrtyshriverfor “Transoil” administrativebuildingconstruction, Kazakhstan. 2006. Consultant. Name: «Ai-su» Ltd. Partnership |
Bank consolidation project of Ishim river, Kazakhstan. 2006. Consultant. Name: «ORTA»Ltd. Partnership |
ProtectionprojectofantifiltrationdikesinKaspiy. 2004-2007.
Independent designer-consultant Name: "RD Kazmunaigaz" stock corporation |
Projectsurveyworksonsection 439-539 ofBishkek-Naryn-Torugarthighway. 2007. Jointly with «Dortranssrevice» Ltd. Name: Dortransservice |
Sarytash-Karamyk motorway Feasibility study. 2007 Name: EGIS BCEOM International |
Tailing dump construction project on the “Djerui” gold mining center.
2007. Survey. Name: “Djeruialtyn” close corporation |
BanksconsolidationprojectoftankinPresident’spark. Astana. Kazakhstan. Consultant. Name: "PARK RESIDENCE CONSULTING" Ltd. Partnership |
Construction project of the “Kurmanbek” channel, Djalal-Abad region.
2007. Survey. Name: Department of Water Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Construction project of water intake on the Sokh river. Batken region.
2007. Survey. Name: Department of Water Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Bank protection arrangements project on the Ural river. Atyrau. Kazakhstan. Consultant. Name: «Atyraustroyproject» Ltd. Partnership |
MiniHydro power constructionprojectontheKarasuuriver.
Karakul. 2008. Engineeringsurvey. Name: «Chakan GES» Ltd. |
Bank consolidation of Bystrovskaya Hydro Power head structure. Project survey works. Name: «Chakan GES» Ltd. |
Sarymsak channel reconstruction, Talas region. Engineering survey. Name: Department of Water Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Konur Ogyuz channel reconstruction. Djalal-Abad region. Engineering survey Name: Department of Water Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Engineering survey on the Sokh river under construction of mini Hydro power.
Batken region. Name: Department of Water Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Engineering survey on the Isfayramsai river. Reconstruction. Name: «Temelsuu» Ltd. |